Question: What percentage of water used by the company was recycled or reused? (G4-EN10-b)
Global Reporting Initiative
Tsogo Sun
Unverified - Added by Community
updated over 7 years ago by Prian Naicker

Page 44: the IFS states that The majority of our properties are in urban areas and use potable water provided by local municipalities (90% of consumption). Therefore remaining 10% is obtained trough recycling or reusing water.

Prian Naicker.....2017-02-07 20:28:10 UTC

Page 44: 90% is municipal water plus a percentage for surface water, river water and ground water. The remaining percentage could be deemed recycled or reused water from the cleaned mine water for the water rides at Gold Reef City.

Dakshesh Naik.....2017-02-16 09:35:46 UTC

p.44 not enough information to deduce metric. Hence Unknown.

Dakshesh Naik.....2017-02-16 09:45:55 UTC