2018 | Inditex | Total Water Discharge, GRI 306-1 (formerly G4-EN22-a)
What is the organization's total volume of water discharge in cubic meters? 
updated almost 3 years ago by Apoorv

The Company has stated that water discharge is equal to water consumed.

pg. 289

Water consumption (m3) 2018


Refrigeration systems are closed cycle as there are no production processes where water is consumed. This allows the estimate that the water discharged is equal to water consumed.

Singh Anjali.....2021-05-10 12:38:12 UTC

The company mentions that their industrial water discharges are about the same as their withdrawals, however, the domestic water consumption is discharged in municipal water systems.

pg. 289

"The authorised public supply networks provide water to all centres and they are used both for consumption

and for processes. The highest water consumption is domestic, mainly for cleaning and bathrooms, ensuring

its discharge into municipal wastewater systems. On the other hand, in the industry, water is mainly for the generation of steam and for closed-circle industrial refrigeration, where recirculation systems are used. Refrigeration systems are closed cycle as there are no production processes where water is consumed. This

allows the estimate that the water discharged is equal to water consumed. Wastewater discharges from all

facilities are into sewage networks. Inditex has no impact on protected habitats."

Apoorv.....2021-05-11 18:21:58 UTC