Global Reporting Initiative+Social screening of new suppliers, GRI 414-1 (G4-SO9-a)+About

This metric is based on the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) Standard Guidelines.

An organization might be involved with impacts either through its own activities or as a result of its business relationships with other parties.

Due diligence is expected of an organization in order to prevent and mitigate negative social impacts in the supply chain. These include impacts the organization either causes or contributes to, or that are directly linked to its activities, products, or services by its relationship with a supplier.

Impacts may be prevented or mitigated at the stage of structuring contracts or other agreements, as well as via ongoing collaboration with suppliers.

This disclosure informs stakeholders about the percentage of suppliers selected or contracted subject to due diligence processes for social impacts.

GRI 414 addresses the topic of supplier social assessment. The methodology for the former G4 standard for this metric (G4-SO9) can be found here.