Question: How much reduction in Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions has the company achieved as a direct result of initiatives to reduce emissions (in metric tons of CO2 equivalent)?
tonnes CO2 equivalent
Global Reporting Initiative
Unverified - Added by Community
updated about 8 years ago by Louis Coppola

p. 53; 2012 baseline

--Louis Coppola.....2016-05-17 14:41:32 UTC

P. 53: "Our new corporate-wide goal is to reduce energy consumption by 20 percent by 2020 (from a 2012 baseline). In 2014, we reduced energy consumption by 11 percent and cut emissions by 15 percent — that’s 41,434 tons of carbon dioxide equivalents (CO2e).*

* Excludes data centers numbers. Energy Challenge 2012 included fleet and facilities for the Technology Business (and Services where co-located). Energy Goal 2020 encompasses all parts of our business."

--Hala @WR.....2016-05-24 12:57:15 UTC