Question: In relation to the previous year, how much has the company reduced its energy consumption as a direct result of conservation and efficiency initiatives?
Global Reporting Initiative
Unverified - Added by Steward
updated over 5 years ago by Aileen Robinson

Company reports on their fuel efficiency initiatives, but does not report the reduction amount.


"The Company has taken various energy efficiency measures at its plants including:

• Reduced generation and efficient utilization of flushing oils

• Using energy efficient technology like solar and LED lights to reduce energy consumption• Optimizing power and utility operations

• Continued usage of recycling treated water from effluent treatment plant for sanitation, resulting in reduction of fresh water consumption• Improved boiler efficiency through optimized running of blending operation, reduced power consumption by improving power factor and reduced water consumption through various initiatives.

The Company sources its packaging materials locally. To ensure vendors are developed to match the quality requirements of the Company, regular quality checks and audits are conducted, and findings actioned appropriately. These actions continue to form the basis of overall system improvement continuously and sustainably."

Aileen Robinson.....2019-01-24 17:28:53 UTC