2015 | Merck Pty Ltd | Particulate Matter (PM) emissions, GRI 305-7-a (formerly G4-EN21-a)
How many metric tonnes of particulate matter (PM) does the company emit?
updated about 7 years ago by Gabriel Danda

- Page 51.


- Value added in tonnes according to metric question (system showing density)


- Only dust was reported (no other PM included)


- Dust emissions CONVERTED from (metric kilotons) using : http://www.unitconversion.org/weight/kilotons-metric-to-tons-metric-conversion.html


- The figures exclude Sigma-Aldrich since the integration process is still underway.


- The VOC, nitrogen oxide, sulfur dioxide, and dust emissions reported here are attributable to production activities as well as energy generation. These figures do not include emissions from vehicles. Emissions are determined partially based on measurements and partially based on calculations or estimates. Only some sites are required to measure individual parameters.

Gabriel Danda.....2017-02-15 21:56:44 UTC

As noted in the comments section, the answer represents metric tonnes and thus has been checked as such

Muaaza.....2017-02-16 15:02:35 UTC