Global Reporting Initiative+Male Worker Fatalities (G4-LA6-a)+AVI Limited+2020+Discussion

Page 44


Not reported

Rumbidzai Kunze.....2021-02-12 03:03:42 UTC

It has reported deaths due to COVID-19 and not work-related fatalities.

pg. 60

"403-2 Types of injury and rates of injury, occupational diseases, lost days, and absenteeism, and number of work-related fatalities 44 to 46"

pg. 44

"The Company designed and implemented an online COVID-19 database and dashboard in order to record and track all COVID-19 related events. As at date of writing the Group had recorded 410 positive cases, the majority of whom had recovered. Sadly and regrettably however, the human

toll included three deaths, two at I&J and one at National Brands. "

Manali Rana.....2022-04-22 06:39:46 UTC