Question: What percentage of new suppliers were screened using labor practices criteria?
Global Reporting Initiative
Volvo Group
Unverified - Added by Community
updated 10 months ago by Manali Rana

Not reported explicitly.

pg. 176

"On-site audits

New supply partners of direct material in high-risk countries are subject to additional due diligence assessments through on site audits. Indirect material supply partners are audited when the suppliers are located in a high-risk country and the annual spend exceeds a pre-defined threshold.

After some time of lower audit activity due to travel and meeting restrictions due to the covid-19 pandemic, the number of audits has increased as restrictions in many countries have been removed. In 2022, 137 on-site audits were carried out."

Manali Rana.....2023-09-29 14:18:03 UTC