Question: What percentage of new suppliers were screened using labor practices criteria?
Global Reporting Initiative

The company report audit results of the suppliers, however, has not explicitly reported the number or percentage of new suppliers screened using labor practices criteria.

pg. 63-64


Our social compliance program dates back to 1999 and was accredited by the Fair Labor Association in 2019 for the third time. In 2019, we continued our partnerships with the Fair Labor Association, the Better Work Program of the International Labor Organization and International Finance Corporation and the Social and Labor Convergence Program (SLCP), supporting the roll out of SLCP 2019 operations in China. A total of 43 PUMA China and Taiwan core T1 and T2 suppliers completed SLCP assessments."


"In total, we conducted 475 audits in 418 factories with 94% of our Tier 1 vendors earning a passing grade. Six percent of T1 suppliers failed to meet our requirements. If this happened to an active PUMA supplier, we worked with these partners to improve the situation. 62% of those receiving a second audit received passing grades. Nine factories could not sufficiently improve their performance and were consequently removed from our active supplier factory base. Those that applied to be suppliers but failed their first audits were not admitted."

Singh Anjali.....2021-06-29 09:07:31 UTC