Question: What is the amount of other indirect (Scope 3) greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions (in tons of CO2 equivalent) that the organization is indirectly responsible for?
tonnes CO2 equivalent
Global Reporting Initiative
Verified by Community check_circle

The company is saying that it has started reporting Scope 3, so it has not yet done a completely clear report, so it has been calculated.

(Calculation: 430.12 + 3,907.45 + 30,282.79 = 34,620.36)

pg. 83

"During the last few years, we started implementing best practices in GHG management and began reporting on our Scope 34 emissions associated with some of the activities in our value chain. In 2019, business air travel represented 430.12 metric tons of CO2eq, and employee commuting accounted for 3,907.45 metric tons of CO2eq. We have expanded the scope of business air travel, including data for employees from Honduras and Nicaragua, which represents just over half of our total employee base. For employees commuting to work, in 2019 we included data for bus transportation related to our sites in Honduras, Nicaragua, Dominican Republic, and Mexico, which represented 85% of our total employee base. In 2019, we also included a total of 30,282.79 metric tons CO2eq of Scope 3 emissions from our distribution operations."

Singh Anjali.....2021-06-09 12:45:39 UTC