Question: What is the amount of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions (in tons of CO2 equivalent) that the organization is indirectly responsible for?
tonnes CO2 equivalent
Global Reporting Initiative
Unverified - Added by Steward
updated over 7 years ago by Martin Adamson

P 42 of the 2015 sustainability report shows that AngloGold Ashanti produced a total of 4.3 megatonnes of CO2e, but this figure is not split between the company's direct and indirect contributions. Pages 112-113 of the 2015 Integrated report show the total GHG of Anglogold Ashanti (4,334,000t CO2e), broken down per year and business unit, but it is again a total figure and not split between direct and indirect.

Martin Adamson.....2017-02-16 06:50:24 UTC

As per page 54 of the 2016 CDP Submission

Martin Adamson.....2017-02-17 13:38:53 UTC

Checked the value on a CDP document that needs to be uploaded.

Siphamandla.....2017-02-19 11:51:19 UTC

CDP submission 2016 is for reporting period 2015. Have changed year to 2015.

Aileen Robinson.....2018-08-31 08:43:40 UTC