Global Reporting Initiative+Human Rights Screening of New Suppliers (G4-HR10-a)+Computacenter Group+2021+Discussion

Computacenter consider their supply chain to be a low risk to the potential to modern slavery and trafficking or other comparable infringements on human rights. This is due to the predominantly skilled workforce used by the company. Therefore, there is limited exposure to low paid and unskilled workers which are at a significantly higher risk areas in terms of human rights breaches within the supply chain.


However, the company works with an external company to monitor the risk to their supplier portfolio. Moreover, Computacenter only inducts companies into their immediate supply chain upon the understanding they adhere to the company values of transparency and fairness.

Robyn Mulholland.....2022-05-22 18:51:23 UTC

Modern Slavery Statement (2021.,p.g 5)

Robyn Mulholland.....2022-05-22 18:51:57 UTC