2021 | AnglianWater | Human Rights Screening of New Suppliers (G4-HR10-a)
What percentage of new suppliers were screened using human rights criteria?
updated about 2 years ago by Christopher Coumparoules

Page 1 - This statement highlights the steps that Anglian

Water Services Limited (‘Anglian Water’ or the

‘Company’) has taken to ensure that slavery and

human trafficking is not taking place in any part of

our business or within our supply chain.


Page 2 - Anglian Water takes a zero tolerance

approach to any form of slavery or human

trafficking, either within our business or

our supply chain. ---


The vast majority (86 per cent) of our contracts

are assessed as low risk based on the nature of the

industry, country of origin for goods and services

and other relevant supplier information, such as

pre-employment checks procedure and payroll’s

ability to confirm bank account details. (Six per

cent) are classed as medium risk with the remaining

(eight per cent) classed as high risk.


No other info regarding new suppliers.

Christopher Coumparoules.....2022-02-18 15:21:42 UTC