Question: What is the total number of permanent full-time employees?
Global Reporting Initiative
Premier Oil
Unverified - Added by Steward
updated over 7 years ago by Daniel Theron

Page 48:


At the end of 2015, Premier had 829 employees (2014: 927 employees) and 232 contractors (2014: 289 contractors)4. Just over half of our employees are located in Indonesia, where four of our more significant operated production assets and development projects are located.In 2015, Premier recruited 36 new employees (2014: 133 new employees). Over the same period, 119 employees exited the Company on either a voluntary or involuntary basis (2014: 91), a turnover rate of 14 per cent. This reflected both current market conditions and related organisational adjustments. Of the 119 staff that exited the Company, 39 were redundancies (representing a redundancy rate of five per cent).

Daniel Theron.....2017-02-12 17:05:17 UTC