2018 | AP Moller - Maersk | Fuel consumption from renewable sources, GRI 302-1-b (formerly G4-EN3-b)
What is the total amount of fuel consumption from renewable sources (in gigajoules) that the organization is responsible for?
updated almost 5 years ago by Sarah Bazaz

We have the value of total energy consumption, although we can find some non-renewable sources but exact figures of energy from renewable sources cannot be calculated.

pg. 40

"Energy consumption (2018)

Fuel oil (1,000 tonnes) 12,017

Gas fuels (1,000 tonnes) 17

Other fuels (1,000 tonnes) 118

Electricity (1,000 MWh) 732

Energy consumption (total, TJ) 498,209"

Manali Rana.....2022-04-18 10:18:40 UTC