Question: What is the total amount of fuel consumption from non-renewable sources (in gigajoules) that the organization is responsible for?
Global Reporting Initiative
Pirelli & C. SpA
Unverified - Added by Steward
updated over 5 years ago by Lucia Ixtacuy

Page 151: "among the direct sources, all of non-renewable orgin, which account for 29% of the total, are natural gas and, to a lesser extent, other liquid fuels such as oil, LPG and diesel".


"the remaining 71% is formed from indirect sources such as electrical energy and steam purchased. Of the total electricity used by the Group, more than 43% derives from renewable sources (calculation based on IEA data) while for steam, the portion generated by renewable sources corresponds to around 7% of the total"


The graph on page 152 shows the exact percentage of electricity to be 42% and steam to be 29%.


0.42 * 0.43 = 18.06% of the total energy that is renewable electricity.

0.29 * 0.07 = 2.03% of the total energy that is steam generated by renewable sources.

18.06% + 2.03% = 20.09%. The remaining 79.91% is therefore non-renewable.


Total energy consumption in GJ for 2017 = 10,591,117 (page 151).


10591117 * 0.7991 = 8,463,361.595 GJ

Tyson Pinney.....2018-05-21 05:15:47 UTC