Question: What is the total amount of fuel consumption from non-renewable sources (in gigajoules) that the organization is responsible for?
Global Reporting Initiative
Bank Hapoalim
Unverified - Added by Steward

p.140 and p.23


The company's annual fuel consumption for vehicles in 2016 was of 3 021 768 liters. To that, we have to add the diesel fuel consumption which is of 13 547 liters. 3 021 768 + 13 547 = 3 035 315 liters, which is equal to more or less 0.31 gigajoules. 


1 liter atmosphere = 1.01325E-7 gigajoules.

Blanche Desgrées du Loû.....2018-02-19 21:37:57 UTC
"In 2016, the bank's fuel consumption decreased by 16%" mainly thanks to the use of energy-efficient vehicules.