Question: What is the total amount of fuel consumption from non-renewable sources (in gigajoules) that the organization is responsible for?
Global Reporting Initiative
Unverified - Added by Steward
updated over 7 years ago by Martin Adamson

Page 77 of the Sustainable development report states that the company used 343,125 kL of liquid fossil fuels. This equate to around 13.8M GJ, but the other sources of non-renewable energy aren't mentioned. The company does state that it is investigating sources of renewable energy, which it expected to finalise in 2016 (Integrated report, p80)

Martin Adamson.....2017-02-16 13:28:48 UTC

You can conclude then the total energy consumption is then derived from non-renewable resources? They generate their energy from fossil fuels including diesel,gas or HFO which are non-rewable resources in their nature. So you total energy consumption is from non-renewable resources.

Siphamandla.....2017-02-19 12:41:21 UTC

The total energy consumption for the company is 29 Petajoules, so I'm not sure what makes up the balance. The difference between the Petajoule figure and the figure from what they describe as "liquid fossil fuels" is just too big for it to be from renewable sources - so I dont think we can assume that this figure is the total for non-renewable.

Martin Adamson.....2017-02-19 20:39:37 UTC