2018 | EDF | Environmental Protection Expenditures (G4-EN31-a)
What are the total environmental protection expenditures and investments of the company?
updated over 4 years ago by natasha speirs

P.102 the Group's total R&D allowance in 2018 came to €711 million.

In 2018, approximately 20% of this budget was devoted to protecting the environment which covered research into energy efficiency, uses of electricity as a substitute for fossil fuels, renewable energies and their insertion into the grid, energy storage, carbon-free hydrogen and its applications for decarbonising the economy, sustainable cities, the local impacts of climate change and other environmental issues such as biodiversity, water quality, and the mitigation of disturbances.


20% of 711 million euros= 142,200,000 then convert to USD = 154,212,345.00 USD

natasha speirs.....2020-02-14 09:49:27 UTC