2017 | Clariant | Environmental Protection Expenditures (G4-EN31-a)
What are the total environmental protection expenditures and investments of the company?
updated about 6 years ago by 5828739

Clariant do not specify the specific expenditures and investment of the company into environmental protection. Clariant state under: 1.2 in their 2017 Integrated Report "Environmental protection and resources covers a broad range of environmental issues including energy, waste, water, pollution, and ecosystem effects. Reducing environmental impacts requires high-level and focused management, a culture of performance, and careful cost evaluation. For this reason, Clariant uses comprehensive management tools and programs that integrate technology, data, and behavioral guidelines.". Their management report refers to the GRI reporting system ranging from 302 - 307 UNGC documents.

Clariant also state under 1.1 Progress towards environmental targets 2017 Intergrated report : "By 2025, Clariant wants to achieve significant improvements in six major parameters compared to the base year 2013. With respect to produced goods (per ton), Clariant aims to reduce energy consumption and direct CO2 emissions by 30%, greenhouse gas emissions, water consumption, and waste volume by 35%, and the waste water volume by 40%."

5828739.....2018-05-17 11:07:32 UTC