Global Reporting Initiative+Employees, GRI 102-8-a (formerly G4-10-a)+DRDGold Limited+2016+Discussion


Neo Rakau.....2017-02-09 20:55:52 UTC


1 560 specialist service provided are stated as total number of employees and 924 as permanent employees

Neo Rakau.....2017-02-11 15:48:26 UTC

1560 specialist service providers is included as "Total number of employees". This are employees not indirectly employed.

Neo Rakau.....2017-02-11 15:51:11 UTC

Total number of employees is 1,560 and includes (employees (924) and supervised workers) p. 28

Rebecca Dubru.....2017-02-15 15:37:33 UTC


Total number of in-house and outsourced employees is 2426

Neo Rakau.....2017-02-18 14:33:32 UTC

P. 28 Total number is 924+1560=

2484. There is a descripiency on p.7 total workforce is 2426

Neo Rakau.....2017-02-18 15:15:47 UTC