2022 | Tesco PLC | Direct greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions (Scope 1), GRI 305-1-a (formerly G4-EN15-a)
What is the amount of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions (in tonnes of CO2 equivalent) that the organization is directly responsible for?
tonnes CO2 equivalent

Page 2 states the TCO2 / year as the above answer.

Marc McGowan.....2023-05-27 18:39:05 UTC

Found on page 23 of annual report

Miss Kathleen Kelly.....2023-10-12 10:24:57 UTC

Page 19, of the annual report, outlines that there was 1,039,346 tonnes for Scope 1 ghg.

Miss Kathleen Kelly.....2023-10-16 15:26:37 UTC