Global Reporting Initiative+Collective Bargaining (G4-11)+Telkom+2016+Discussion

Telkom Integrated Report 2016

pg 111 (Abobe pg 55) - Labour relations - 'In Telkom' paragraph - top right of the page


While there is additional information regarding the percentage of management belonging to collective bargaining units, this assumes that management is included in the overall employee number thus, are captured in the 76.3%

MRamphele.....2017-02-13 20:50:41 UTC

checked and correct.

Mosenkana Philemon Rapholo.....2017-02-17 19:10:41 UTC

If you take the 76.3% multiply it by the total employees of 14730 you get 11239 employees but on page 111 they show it in brackets as 11 896, therefore is a difference 657 employees. I just wonder if the difference is caused by a rounding factor.

Mosenkana Philemon Rapholo.....2017-02-17 19:17:51 UTC