Question: What is the percentage of total employees covered by collective bargaining agreements?
Global Reporting Initiative
Unverified - Added by Community
updated about 6 years ago by Pam O'Connor

p. 124 of the Annual Integrated Report

Pam O'Connor.....2018-04-15 03:43:32 UTC

"Collective bargaining agreements can be at local (site), national

(company), industry (e.g. chemicals industry), or Group level. The

content can cover various topics such as shift work payments or

pay structures and increases, working time, treatment of parttimers,

training, bonuses, financial participation, retirement plans,

employment contracts, and gender equality.

In the majority of cases collective agreements are extended to all

employees, even if they are not members of a union. Coverage

by collective agreements is at the level of 87.8% worldwide. This

includes a group collective agreement called Global Performance

Sharing Plan, concluded each year with the Solvay Global Forum,

under which all non-exempt employees are covered.

These data indicate that freedom of association is ensured within

the Group and that its practical application provides mutually

agreed working conditions for our employees."

Richard Mills.....2018-07-11 11:36:05 UTC