Question: What is the percentage of total employees covered by collective bargaining agreements?
Global Reporting Initiative
Unverified - Added by Community
updated almost 3 years ago by Singh Anjali

No relevant information found.

pg. 50

"The Group promotes freedom of association and recognizes the right to collective bargaining. In fact, the Prada Group engages with trade unions to improve the working conditions of its employees and to foster the medium/long-term well-being of its employees and thus its surrounding communities. Over the years the Group has stipulated many supplementary agreements especially in Italy, the United Kingdom, and France, whereby it offers better benefits than those established in the local collective bargaining agreements. For instance, 80% of the employees in Italy and 100% in France can benefit from the supplementary agreements. Employees in the UK’s manufacturing division also benefit from supplementary agreements."

Singh Anjali.....2021-06-28 13:45:05 UTC