2019 | Kering | Collective Bargaining (G4-11)
What is the percentage of total employees covered by collective bargaining agreements?
updated almost 3 years ago by Singh Anjali

The company has reported about the collective agreement, but it has not mentioned in this agreement what percentage of the employees are covered.

pg. 115

"The commitments have also been adopted by each House. In 2019, 141 collective agreements were concluded within the Group. They mainly covered pay and benefits (salary, variable remuneration, profit - sharing and incentives, etc.), working hours and the organization of working time (telework, flexitime, generational agreements, temporary work, donating leave, the right to disconnect, etc.), but also included psychosocial risk prevention and video surveillance in the workplace."

Singh Anjali.....2021-06-19 06:51:51 UTC