Question: What is the average hours of training per male employee during the reporting period?
Global Reporting Initiative
Unverified - Added by Community
updated over 1 year ago by Manali Rana

(Calculation : Total number of hours = (34.1 x 82.5 x 284 + 37.4 x 67.5 x 3,208 + 37.9 x 71.2 x 3,887 + 43.3 x 97.2 x 2,384) /100 = 294,202

Average hour per male employees = 294,202 / 7,484= 39.3)

pg. 261

"Average hours training per employee, itemised by gender and professional category (2018)

Executives Men 34.1 Middle management Men 37.2

Administrative and office staff Men 37.9 Manual workers Men 43.3"

pg. 255

"Workforce distribution by professional classification and gender (%) (2018)

Executives Men 82.5 administrative and office staff Men 71.2

Middle management Men 67.5 Manual workers Men 97.2"

pg. 266

"Executives 284 administrative and office staff 3,887

Middle management 3,208 Manual workers 2,384"

Manali Rana.....2022-10-26 18:07:10 UTC