2016 | Altron | Average hours of training (male), GRI 404-1 (formerly G4-LA9)
What is the average hours of training per male employee during the reporting period?
updated about 7 years ago by Xikongomelo Maluleke

.nspecified n the report

Cited from 2016 Altron Group GRI G4 Core report. Website https://www.altron.com/sites/altron_d7_live/files/2016_Altron_G4_Core.pdf. Had system technical challenges not allowing for the amendment of the sources.

Xikongomelo Maluleke.....2017-02-19 12:24:34 UTC

Not specified on the report, therefore unknown. System could not allow rectify meaningless comment at the top.

Xikongomelo Maluleke.....2017-02-19 14:03:50 UTC