2017 | Louis Vuitton Malletier SA (LVMH) | Average hours of training (female), GRI 404-1 (formerly G4-LA9)
What is the average hours of training per female employee during the reporting period?
updated about 5 years ago by Siobhan Chambers

It is not specifically stated the amount of hours of training completed by female employees. However on Page 32 of this document it does state that the "EllesVMH aims to foster the professional development of women in all positions and at all levels of the organization. It does this in three ways. First, through group-wide measures, such as training, coaching, mentoring and women’s initiatives". This shoes that there are methods of training and coaching for females, there are just no reported figures.

Siobhan Chambers.....2019-02-21 00:54:28 UTC