Question: What is the average hours of training per female employee during the reporting period?
Global Reporting Initiative
Fluidra SA
Unverified - Added by Community
updated over 1 year ago by Manali Rana

The pdf document provides information related to the average hours of training to employees.


The answer isn't explicit in the pdf document, however the information to make the following calculations were obtained from pages 93 and 127


To obtain the average hours of training per female employee I made the following calculations:


43698(total hours of training to employees in 2020)*x = 12212(total training hours of women in 2020)*8.3(average hours of training per professional in 2020)


43698x = 101359.6

x = 2.32 (average hours of training per female employee during 2020)

Camilo Ulloa.....2021-10-20 23:27:06 UTC

(Calculation : 12212/1819 = 6.71)

pg. 121

"Fluidra total 2020

Female 1,819"

pg. 127

"Training Hours by Category in 2020

Women 12,212"

Manali Rana.....2022-10-28 10:01:41 UTC