2021 | Canara Bank | Average hours of training (female), GRI 404-1 (formerly G4-LA9)
What is the average hours of training per female employee during the reporting period?
updated over 1 year ago by Manali Rana

The bank provides skill development training to its employees but the hours of training provided are not reported.

pg. 83


Bank is imparting training in various functional areas to build and upgrade competencies. Through the 02 Centre of Excellence (CIBM Manipal & COE Gurugram) supported by 24 Regional L&D Centres, functional trainings are imparted to staff members in various cadres by drawing training calendars in consultation with Circle offices. For the year ended 2021-22, 2437 internal trainings, 293 external trainings were conducted where 60534 employees were imparted training in spite of Covid pandemic. A shift to online trainings was made."

Manali Rana.....2022-10-17 10:39:09 UTC