Global Reporting Initiative+Average hours of training, GRI 404-1 (formerly G4-LA9)+AVI Limited+2020+Discussion

Pages 41-42


Hours of training not disclosed.

Rumbidzai Kunze.....2021-02-12 03:10:15 UTC

It gives information about the number of staff trained and not the hours of training provided.

pg. 42

"The amount spent on recorded skills development initiatives in the year was R69,82 million, an amount equivalent to 3,14% of leviable amount. 3487 employees, or 37,79% of the total workforce (including permanent and fixed term contract employees), were trained during

the year, 91,91% of whom were Black (African, Coloured and Indian)."

Manali Rana.....2022-04-07 07:22:11 UTC