Gender Entry Level Pay G4-EC5 Methodology

In 2018, the GRI G4 Sustainability Reporting Guidelines were superseded by the GRI Sustainability Reporting Standards (GRI standards). This is the methodology for G4-EC5-a which has been superseded by GRI 202-1 the current GRI 202-1 metric can be found here.


This metric is based on the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) G4 Guidelines. Indicator G4-EC5- 'Ratios of standard entry level wage by gender compared to local minimum wage at significant locations of operation.'

​Economic well-being is one of the ways in which an organization invests in its employees. This Indicator helps demonstrate how an organization contributes to the economic well-being of employees in significant locations of operation. The Indicator also provides an indication of the competitiveness of the organization’s wages, and information relevant for assessing the effect of wages on the local labor market. Offering wages above the minimum is one factor in building strong community relations, employee loyalty, and strengthening an organization’s social license to operate. This Indicator is most relevant for organizations in which a substantial portion of their workforce is compensated in a manner or scale that is closely linked to laws or regulations on minimum wage.


To calculate the ratios of standard entry level wage by gender compared to local minimum wage - G4-EC5:

  • For all significant locations of operation, identify and compare (in percentage terms) local minimum wage to the organization’s entry level wage by gender.
  • For organizations that only offer salaried employment, convert the salary into an hourly estimate.

Reporting on this Indicator should include the following contextual information as a comment to the metric value:

  • G4-EC5-c: Report the definition used for ‘significant locations of operation’.

For Wikirate Researchers:

  • Please see this page for guidelines on how to research values for GRI-based metrics.