Filter Check Requested not working

Filter Check Requested not working+Status
Filter Check Requested not working+*when created
Tuesday, June 02, 2020 11:19 AM UTC

Filter Check Requested not working+issue

Using the Filter Check option "Requested" shows no results. However, when using the option "Neither" you see some answers marked with check requests (red flag).

Example Metric: MSA whistleblowing mechanism (revised), Project: MSA FI Progress

Filter Check Requested not working+screenshot

Filter Check Requested not working+screenshot

Filter Check Requested not working+Discussion

Looks like the lookup table is missing information. I just updated the data but need to figure out how it's getting wrong.

Ethan McCutchen.....2020-06-05 15:31:15 UTC

(in other words, the filter code is all working correctly, but we have to make sure the data is always correct

Ethan McCutchen.....2020-06-05 15:46:16 UTC