2022 | George (brand) | Supply Chain Policies
What are the company’s vendor/supplier policies covering human rights and environmental standards across the supply chain?
Working Hours & Rest Breaks,
Contracts & Terms of Employment,
Health & Safety,
Child Labour,
Forced & Bonded Labour,
Foreign & Migrant Labour,
Living Conditions/Dormitories,
Freedom of Association Right to Organise & Collective Bargaining,
Harassment & Violence,
Water Effluents & Treatment,
Wages & Financial Benefits (e.g. bonuses/insurance/social security/pensions)
updated almost 2 years ago by Vasiliki Gkatziaki
Page(s) https://asdasupplier.com/responsible-sourcing-supplier-standards , 5 , Pg. 21-24 , 4 , 4 , 5 , 5 , 5 , page 7 , PAGE 7 - COMPLY WITH LOCAL LAWS , PAGE 37/38 , PAGE 52 , PAGE 47-48 , Supply Chain Monitoring Requirements and Guidance (download only) , Supply Chain Monitoring Requirements and Guidance (download only) , Supply Chain Monitoring Requirements and Guidance (download only) , Supply Chain Monitoring Requirements and Guidance (download only) , Supply Chain Monitoring Requirements and Guidance (download only) , Supply Chain Monitoring Requirements and Guidance (download only) , Supply Chain Monitoring Requirements and Guidance (download only) ,