About the data

The aim of textile-to-textile recycling is that eventually the fibres and textiles used in clothing will be able to be used repeatedly and for much longer, dramatically reducing the need to create new clothes from virgin resources. This is why it is useful to understand what companies are doing to invest in the development of these technologies and move towards a more circular system of production.

In this question you are being asked to identify whether the company publicly discloses evidence of developing circular solutions that enable textile to textile recycling beyond reuse and downcycling.

Where to look for this information:
- Corporate Social Responsibility report
- Company documents
- Company policies
- Company websites
- Company code of conduct
- Parent company documents (only if the parent company is linked to from the brands website)
- Parent company policies (only if the parent company is linked to from the brands website)
- Parent company websites (only if the parent company is linked to from the brands website)
- Parent company code of conduct (only if the parent company is linked to from the brands website)

Good keywords for your searches include:
- Circularity
- Closed-loop
- Recycling

Things to keep in mind:
- Examples of circular solutions include closed loop textile recycling
- Use of recycled materials is not sufficient

Value Type
Research Policy
Designer Assessed