Fashion Revolution+3.3 Raw Materials Suppliers Disclosure+value options

Name of supplier (e.g. parent company) (2021 only)
Name of Supplier (e.g. facility or farm)
Type of raw material products or services
Approximate number of workers
Sex-disaggregated breakdown of workers
% or number of migrant or contract workers
List is publicly available as a csv or Excel spreadsheet
Discloses what percentage of raw materials suppliers is published
Discloses supplier list that covers more than one raw material type (2021 only)
Discloses 95% or higher of raw materials suppliers are included in the list/map
Publishes that this list or map of raw materials suppliers has been updated within the past 12 months
Discloses whether the company is tracing the source/supplier of one or more specific raw materials
Race-disaggregated breakdown of workers at each site (FTI Brazil only)