Question: What is the average (mean) pay of female workers, expressed as a percentage of male workers' average pay?


"Measures to achieve equal pay for women and men

Our employees are hired and promoted on the basis of their qualifications and skills as a matter of principle. Equal pay is ensured by a collective bargaining pay structure as well as internal processes.

The collective bargaining agreements for the chemical industry concluded between the BAVC (German Federation of Chemical Employers' Associations) and IG BCE (Mining, Chemistry and Energy Industrial Union) apply to Aurubis AG. The German Collective Wage Agreement with a pay structure of 13 pay groups stipulates that employees are to be classified solely based on the activity they perform. On the other hand, gender or professional title, for example, are not definitive. Equal pay in areas not covered by collective bargaining agreements is ensured, among other things, by the general company agreement on the compensation system for non-tariff employees. The process for evaluating non-tariff functions stipulates that the nontariff functions are assigned to one of the salary ranges that are defined and in line with the market in each case, with the participation of the employee representatives. The assignment of the functions is based solely on objective factors. The evaluation of the position is independent of the person, gender or the individual performance of the job holder.

Pooja Yadav.....2024-04-23 09:16:51 UTC