Question: Does the company publish publicly an Annual Report, CSR Report or other major document that contains environmental, social, or governance data about the company?
Company Report Available

p. 2 "Comply with regulatory reporting requirements. As the Group

is listed on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange, it is a requirement

to publish certain social, environmental and governance information every year. The Group is also required to comply with

the provisions of the EU Directive 2013/34/EU regarding the

publication of non-financial information and information related

to diversity, as well as its transposition into Luxembourg law

in July 2016. The purpose of this report is to fulfil both non-financial reporting obligations. A cross-reference table listing the

requirements of the Hong Kong Stock Exchange is provided in

Appendix 2 at the end of this report."

Lilith Stehlin.....2023-09-27 06:16:09 UTC