Company renaming rats

+*when created
Friday, June 19, 2020 02:48 PM UTC

Having trouble renaming quite a few companies. Links to examples below


I think the new name handling fixes this. I renamed Kupol to Kupool on dev without issue.

Ethan McCutchen.....2020-08-15 15:34:17 UTC

Great thanks! I'll check again once new code is deployed

theresah.....2020-08-17 09:25:02 UTC

Do you want me to leave this open until we're deployed on live so you can retry these specific companies there?


You can test on staging now if you want.

Ethan McCutchen.....2020-08-18 15:32:00 UTC

I don't mind if you close all the tickets where it's fixed on Staging. I can still reference them (right?) for the updates I need to do on live

theresah.....2020-08-18 16:47:49 UTC