Company name does not update on project company list+Status
Company name does not update on project company list+*when created
Wednesday, August 08, 2018 10:29 AM UTC

Company name does not update on project company list+issue

When you change a company name it does not update the name in research project lists. 

Company name does not update on project company list+example

Company name does not update on project company list+screenshot

Company name does not update on project company list+screenshot

Company name does not update on project company list+Discussion

When you rename something, you have an option to rename all references. Did you choose that?

Ethan McCutchen.....2018-08-10 17:08:35 UTC

I had thought I did but I just tried to recreate and the name updated fine. I will close the ticket.

Aileen Robinson.....2018-08-14 16:23:03 UTC