Question: Does the company publish measurable progress towards achieving zero deforestation?

Pg. 9

“We firmly believe that our adoption of the ‘No Deforestation, No Peat, No Exploitation’ (NDPE) policy in 2013 helped contribute to the significant progress that the palm sector has made in addressing deforestation. The Tropical Forest Alliance, a multistakeholder platform hosted by the World Economic Forum, reported in 2021 that between 2016 and 2019, there was a 60% reduction in annual loss of intact forests in Indonesia and Malaysia.”

Pg. 12


Zero deforestation and zero new development on peatland in Wilmar’s landbank”

Pg. 218

“As at end 2021, 88.3% of palm oil and lauric volumes to Wilmar’s origin refineries in Malaysia and Indonesia and 83.5% across Wilmar’s global supply chain are from suppliers that have at least company group-level commitments and/or action plans in place to address the No Deforestation requirements.”

Manali Rana.....2022-06-04 09:16:02 UTC