
This metric captures whether companies have a Gender Equality Policy, and if so, if it is easily accessible. Companies may use another name for this policy – such as “Gender Equality Strategy” or "Empowerment of Women Policy".

The policy will typically be available in on a company's website. The policy may sometimes form part of a more general company policy.

  • If you can find a Gender Equality Policy for a company, set their value to “Yes” and add the source. 


  • Where applicable, you should also say whether the company has a stand-alone policy on Gender Equality Policy, or whether it forms part of a more general company policy (for example, on human rights). If the company's policy is not a stand-alone document but included within another document, you should set their value to "Partial".


  • If you can't find a Gender Equality Policy for a company, you should set their value on this metric to “No” and include some details of how/where you searched as a “Report” source.


Gender, social inclusion, and diversity policies are important organizational building blocks that create an enabling environment for equality, enable organizations to set and track progress towards goals, and support organizations to develop a business case for gender equality. When effective, gender equality, diversity, and inclusion policies set the tone of an organization, demonstrate leadership commitment, and enable organizations to achieve gender equality. Source.