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Wikirate Calculated Metric Design Group+Water use per dollar revenue+Formula
Richard Mills+Water use per dollar of revenue+Formula
Wikirate Calculated Metric Design Group+Yearly change in GHG emissions per dollar revenue+Formula
Wikirate Calculated Metric Design Group+Environmental Protection (as % of revenue)+Formula
Wikirate Calculated Metric Design Group+Yearly change in environmental protection expenditure as % of revenue+Formula
Wikirate Calculated Metric Design Group+Yearly change in disclosure rate on selected social and environmental metrics+Formula
Wikirate Calculated Metric Design Group+Yearly change in collective bargaining representation+Formula
ISIC+Industry Group+Formula
ISIC+Industry Division+Formula
ISIC+Industry Section+Formula
Wikirate Calculated Metric Design Group+Yearly change in female workers/managers differential+Formula
Global Reporting Initiative+Total energy consumption, GRI 302-1-e (formerly G4-EN3-e)+Laureen van Breen+Formula
Global Reporting Initiative+Fuel consumption from non-renewable sources, GRI 302-1-a (formerly G4-EN3-a)+Laureen van Breen+Formula
Global Reporting Initiative+Fuel consumption from renewable sources, GRI 302-1-b (formerly G4-EN3-b)+Laureen van Breen+Formula
Global Reporting Initiative+Reduction of energy consumption, GRI 302-4 (formerly G4-EN6)+Laureen van Breen+Formula
Global Reporting Initiative+Total water withdrawals, GRI 303-3-a (formerly G4-EN8-a)+Laureen van Breen+Formula
Global Reporting Initiative+Third-party water withdrawals, GRI 303-3-a (formerly G4-EN8-a)+Laureen van Breen+Formula
Global Reporting Initiative+Groundwater withdrawals, GRI 303-3-a (formerly G4-EN8-a)+Laureen van Breen+Formula
Global Reporting Initiative+Surface water withdrawals, GRI 303-3-a (formerly G4-EN8-a)+Laureen van Breen+Formula