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Wikirate Calculated Metric Design Group+Emissions yearly change+Formula
Research Group Eticonsum+Governance Score/10+Formula
World Benchmarking Alliance+NAT.B13 Air pollutants+World Benchmarking Alliance Research Group+Formula
World Benchmarking Alliance+CHRB C.5.S2 Prohibition of retaliation for raising complaints or concerns (Categorical)+Formula
Commons+Company Category+Formula
Commons+Renewable Fuel Consumption (%)+Formula
World Benchmarking Alliance+CHRB D.1.1 Living wage+Formula
World Benchmarking Alliance+CHRB D.3.9.S2 Women’s rights (in own extractive operations, which includes JVs) (Categorical)+Formula
Aileen Rob+Top 100 Shareholders+Formula
Apparel Research Group+Health and safety policy reflected in management procedures+Formula
University of Sydney SDG Research Group 2021+Social Metrics Disclosure Rate+Formula
Apparel Research Group+Working hours and rest breaks policy+Formula
World Benchmarking Alliance+CHRB B.2.2.S1 Assessing human rights risks and impacts (Categorical)+Formula
Apparel Research Group+Annual leave and public holidays policy+Formula
Apparel Research Group+Forced and bonded labour policy (supply chain)+Formula
World Benchmarking Alliance+NAT.C04 Water and sanitation+World Benchmarking Alliance Research Group+Formula
George Read+Direct Greenhouse Gas Emissions (Scope 1) and Indirect Greenhouse Gas Emissions (Scope 2) per Vehicle Produced+Formula
Clean Clothes Campaign+Yearly Change in Average Net Worker Salary (EUR equivalent)+Formula
George Read+Indirect Greenhouse Gas Emissions (Scope 2 and Scope 3 combined) per Vehicle Produced+Formula
Apparel Research Group+Child labour policy reflected in management procedures+Formula