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Apparel Research Group+Emissions Disclosure Rate+Formula
Center for Sustainable Organizations+Maximum Allowable Cumulative CO2 Emissions+Formula
Center for Sustainable Organizations+Maximum Allowable Annual CO2 Emissions+Formula
Wikirate SDG Metric design+Percentage non-hazardous waste recycled+Formula
Global Reporting Initiative+Environmental Fines, GRI 307-1 (formerly G4-EN29-a)+Laureen van Breen+Formula
Wikirate SDG Metric design+Female workers managers differential+Formula
Gershon M. Bialer+CO2e Intensity+Formula
World Benchmarking Alliance+NAT.B11 Hazardous substances and waste+World Benchmarking Alliance Research Group+Formula
Walk Free+MSA whistleblowing mechanism (binary)+Formula
World Benchmarking Alliance+NAT.C03 Land Rights+World Benchmarking Alliance Research Group+Formula
Apparel Research Group+Water Disclosure Rate+Formula
World Benchmarking Alliance+CHRB D.2.7.b.S2 Fatalities, lost days, injury, occupational disease rates (in the supply chain) (Categorical)+Formula
World Benchmarking Alliance+CHRB B.2.3.S1 Integrating and acting on human rights risks and impact assessments (Categorical)+Formula
Walk Free+Australian MSA statement assessed+Formula
Clean Clothes Campaign+Public Commitment on Living Wage (Combined)+Formula
Apparel Research Group+Workforce Disclosure Rate - Supply Chain+Apparel Research Group+Formula
Walk Free+MS Due Diligence Processes in Investments (sector specific)+Formula
Clean Clothes Campaign+Supply Chain Wage Data Disclosure+Formula
Apparel Research Group+Annual leave and public holidays policy+Formula
Core+ILO Region+Formula