Question: Has the company established an Net Zero interim target for 2025?
Chris Adams
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From page labelled 29/30 in their report (it shows as page 16 of 110 in Firefox's PDF reader)


> - Decarbonize Alibaba (Scopes 1 and 2): By 2030, we will achieve carbon neutrality in our own operations.

> - Green the value chain (Scope 3): By 2030, we will collaborate with our upstream and downstream value chain partners to cut emission intensity by 50% from the base year of 2020. Alibaba Cloud will achieve Scope 3 carbon neutrality during the same period.

> - Enable a low-carbon circular digital ecosystem (Scope 3+): Beyond our own operations and direct value chains, we pledge to leverage our digital platforms to encourage even broader participation by stakeholders that can be reached by our efforts. By 2035, we will facilitate 1.5 gigatons of GHG emission reduction over 15 years across Alibaba's digital ecosystem


These are the three high level commitments. Carbon neutrality, which is as close to Net Zero as I can find. They include "Scope 3+". This isn't a formally recognised term I've seen before in GHG Protocol reporting guidance.

Chris Adams.....2023-07-26 15:22:09 UTC