Question: What's the Company's total CO2 Emissions (tCO2)?
Annual CO2 Emissions
Cisco Systems

Within Cisco’s direct operations, the main source of emissions is the energy required to operate labs and data centres. According to the CSR impact report 2020, the company states; " We are working toward goals to reduce these Scope 1 and 2 emissions by 60 percent by fiscal 2022 compared to a fiscal 2007 baseline, and to use electricity generated from renewable sources for at least 85 percent of our global electricity by fiscal 2022. As of the end of fiscal 2020, we have reduced emissions by 55 percent, and used electricity generated from renewable sources for 83 percent of our global electricity demand." This information can be found on p8 of the Impact  report. 

Hope Scott.....2021-02-02 11:55:57 UTC