University of Oregon: Greening Sports

  1. About: WikiRate partnered with the Lundquist College of Business, University of Oregon. This pilot focused on two areas: greening sporting events and sporting apparel industries. Students will work in groups to research relevant companies ESG performance using the GRI indicators on WikiRate.

  2. Engaged Community: From October 2016, over 100 graduate students across two courses actively engaged with WikiRate. Students will be taught about CSR reporting, standard organisations and relevant companies and be asked to select one company and carry out research which will then be added to WikiRate. In addition to GRI metrics students will also be encouraged to learn more about other relevant standards including the Council for Responsible Sport and the Higg Index.

  3. Expectations: Both the University of Oregon and WikiRate are expecting great results and success of this pilot. The degree of involvement in coordination by the two partners already indicates great potential for continuation and expansion.

“Lundquist College of Business is excited for the opportunity to partner with WikiRate and provide our students with a deeper understanding of company materiality and sustainability reporting while contributing to this valuable public resource. WikiRate enables us to create tailored projects to facilitate student research and engage in a global conversation essential to their development as dynamic business professionals. As we embark on the first phase of an ambitious engagement, our sports and sustainability students will be researching events and sports industries using GRI indicators.”

- Izabel Loinaz, Program Manager, Center for Sustainable Business Practices, University of Oregon