Cannot delete metrics

+*when created
Monday, February 15, 2021 12:51 PM UTC

Luis who has been adding his company's methodology to the platform, asked me to delete some metrics for him - because he created them to test the system, and he's not able to delete them. I tried deleting a few of them and immediately got rats in every case. 


I found the error in the log. Short version: I think this is fixed in staging.


Notes for me: error was in metric type change triggering lookup update.

Ethan McCutchen.....2021-02-15 18:14:00 UTC

btw, this makes me very happy that all that refactoring I just did of the lookup handling may already be paying dividends :).

Ethan McCutchen.....2021-02-15 18:23:47 UTC

This appears to be working now.

Ethan McCutchen.....2021-02-18 19:43:40 UTC